Hi Chris,
Thank you for reaching out.
Anyone remotely aware of what’s happening around the world lately from an economic point of view, would be well aware that the fiat financial system is on its last legs, and rightly so, because it’s been used by a few to control the many, and those who know are well aware that inflation is just another word for the devaluation of currency, which ultimately affects us all.
As the world increasingly moves towards greater digitisation of everything (for better or worse), it’s inevitable that currencies will also move in that direction. I do not like the idea of central banks releasing CBDC’s, this works against the very idea of crypto currency which should always be decentralised.
I would like to see a balance of currencies being used including Bitcoin, other crypto as well as precious metals or even crypto backed by precious metals. I am a holder and investor of crypto currencies, including Bitcoin.
I ultimately believe that sound money that is either in a finite supply OR backed by precious metals would considerably help stabilise economies and reduce the heavy reliance on government and bank intervention into our personal financial affairs and transactions.
I hope this helps. Should you wish to learn a little more about me, you can read my question and answer section on the RDA website here: https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia. com.au/vic-results/
Just scroll down and look for Adam La Rosa and click on my name.
I hope I answered your question sufficiently, thanks again for reaching out!
Adam La Rosa
Candidate for Cooper
Mob: 0407 360 198