Hi Isaac,
For me personally there should be no regulation of any crypto currency. I personally own several crypto currencies and feel that I should have a free choice of what I do with them and also to accept any outcomes of these choices without any government regulatory interference. I am for decentralised currencies and am also a firm believer in the only real sound money, which are the precious metals. Crypto has a place and should be free for everyone to use.
There is a call to regulate because of the impact increased use will have on tax revenue. Calling for regulation to safeguard users from making ill informed choices and loosing savings etc is just a ruse as taxation is the number one concern. The Government likes to clip the ticket at every opportunity and a socialist based government such as Labor in conjunction with greens are out to redistribute any capital gain or income made by investors. Which to me is totally wrong.
What is needed is a fair tax system, very small government and having people keep most of what they earn as per the LDP tax policy. Removing loopholes and the need to for increased legislation and taxation.
I do not accept bitcoin for donations due to the regulatory implications at this point in time. If this were a free world then I would. The taxation and monetary system we currently have in place is restrictive, tyrannical and verging on theft. The fair share is definitely not fair.
Jens Lipponer