Hi Isaac,
Thanks for your email,
I recently added Bitcoin Cash to payment options on my business, so I am most interested in the direction cryptos such as Bitcoin are going, although I am a newby still on the subject.
Please find answers to your questions below.
What is your position on Bitcoin? I am new to Bitcoin and am personally trading in some currency and am accepting Bitcoin Cash in my business. I think that as Fiat currency dies, this is one option to take. As I stated earlier, I am a newbie to the crypto world, only purchasing some crypto (including Bitcoin) late last year, and only adding Bitcoin cash as a payment method to my business this year. I think education on crypto is sorely needed.
Do you accept Bitcoin donations? For the election to be honest I hadn’t really planned on it as I’m not really actively asking for donations. However if someone asked me if they could, I would happily.
Do you believe that “crypto” should be regulated as a whole, inclusive of Bitcoin – despite the sizeable differences between the two, – or do you believe there are several categories within “crypto” (eg. stable-coins, security tokens, etc) and that Bitcoin deserves its own category, and thus its own separate regulations (much like in other countries)? I think the point (correct me if I am wrong) is that people buy crypto to be outside of the system (ie out of reach of the government closing your account for reasons of social credit breaches, which I expect to be on it’s way to us soon the way the country is going). So, I don’t know if regulation is the answer, or even wanted.
Kind Regards
Toni McMahon | Candidate for Herbert, QLD
Informed Medical Options Party